
  • APT Samples List 201911


    md5 apt mark checked
    a29366ad06948c4fb2dda2e597738b5a C-Major 14972 DarkKomet,Once Use
    92dcca8c486e8185fcd0ebcec4b6b54a Gorgon 15442  
    23dc4666c69d87c1e87efd25a3733ffa DarkCaracal 108150  
  • APT Automated Mining


    This is a GitHub-based APT sample sharing blog. The APT samples published here are all determined by automated processes. The higher the mark value of the automated process output, the higher the probability of belonging to the corresponding APT gang. All these APT samples have not been manually confirmed. There is no doubt that there must be false positives. If you are sure that the results are correct, please contact me or submit an issue. If you are interested in performing a detailed analysis of the samples in the list and cannot find the corresponding sample, please contact me by email (Contact Information) for relevant samples. Based on security, confidentiality, etc., the number of samples provided each time does not exceed three. The automated process updates the newly mined APT samples daily.

  • Unrar库的使用



    1. 实现利用python调用unrar解压rar文件。<完成:2019-11-16>